Skills for a Resume: Top 30 Must Have CV Skills in 2024

Top 30 Essential Skills for Your Resume (CV) in 2024

Skills matter because they are the attributes you possess to perform a duty or job.

Think of it this way: Would you want to go under surgery with someone who doesn’t know how to use a scalpel?

Absolutely not! When trusting someone, you want to know they are good at what they will do. Even more than just using the blade, it would be nice to know your surgeon’s other skills, like grace under pressure and steady hands.

Employers feel the same way about hiring. They will only hire you if you have the necessary skills. That’s why it’s crucial to target the right skills the employer seeks and convincingly showcase your abilities.

A list of well-crafted skills for your resume impresses the recruiter and makes them invite you to the job interview immediately. So, let’s see what skills they are looking for and start drafting your best resume.

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Types of Skills Employers Look For on Resume

A skill is doing an activity or job well, mainly because you have practiced it. And there are various types of skills that employers want to see on your resume. The most popular distinction is between soft and hard skills.

1. Soft Skills

These traits and qualities categorize how you work and relate to the individuals you work with. For example, soft skills include managing your time well, motivating others, and being curious.

2. Hard Skills

Hard skills are the abilities or knowledge needed to complete specific work tasks. Examples include writing software code, driving a particular vehicle, and scheduling social media posts.

You need a mix of soft and hard skills for any job, and you must show them on your resume. Hard skills are relatively clear-cut: You either have them or don’t. They are also more accessible than soft skills to prove you possess and add to a resume. Meanwhile, soft skills are more open to interpretation—for example, everyone’s definition of a good leader differs. But you can still show them on your resume using the proper techniques.

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Best Skills for a Resume

Crafting a compelling resume requires more than just listing your experiences. It’s about strategically highlighting key skills that grab the attention of potential employers. Here are 30 crucial skills that can make your resume stand out and leave a lasting impression on those reviewing your application.

1. Communication

Impressive communication skills are a prerequisite for most jobs. Ensure your resume’s skills section includes achievements involving interacting skillfully with others and highlighting verbal and written communication.

2. Team Work

Teamwork is a great skill to include on your resume. Candidates know they are part of a larger group and support their team members to accomplish goals. Provide examples of how you have worked closely with others and contributed to team success so that employers know what you can bring to the team.

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3. Interpersonal Skills

More casually known as people skills, describe how you communicate and interact with people. Regardless of your field, most careers require consistent interaction with other individuals. While you may excel in the technical aspects of your job, you must display good people skills and communicate well. Emphasizing strong interpersonal strengths is an excellent way to include unique skills in a resume.

4. Mentoring and Coaching

Mentoring and coaching others in their professional development is valuable for leadership roles and fostering a positive workplace culture.

5. Digital Literacy

Understanding how to use technology, protect your privacy effectively, and master basic computer skills make you an excellent candidate. Digital literacy is a good skill to show on the resume as it sets you apart from others and demonstrates your capability to adapt to changing work environments and technological advancements.

6. Honesty and Integrity

Those who admit to their mistakes and never lie about a sick day get extra points for honesty. This distinct resume skill is also a great conversation starter in an interview because employers will be eager to know what exactly you mean by it and how you can prove it.

7. Attention to Detail

Great employees are known for catching and fixing mistakes, ensuring all job duties are handled correctly, and delivering accurate, high-quality work. These traits stem from extraordinary attention to detail, making them good skills to put on a resume. Provide evidence of work responsibilities and achievements that depend on this trait.

8. Conflict Resolution

Though your field isn’t specific to mediating conflicts, it’s an inescapable part of any job in any workplace. Conflict resolution skills are required for different positions, such as customer service or management. Conflict within organizations reduces productivity and creates a challenging or hostile environment, leading to unwanted turnover in employees or dejected morale. If you can mediate and diffuse conflict, it covers marketable and rare skills to put on a resume.

9. Adaptability

A rapidly changing job market requires those who handle constantly evolving demands and continue to excel at their jobs. Your potential to adapt to the new environment is a plus in your resume skills section.

10. Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is setting long-term goals and developing a roadmap to achieve them. This skill is crucial for leaders and managers who guide an organization’s direction.

11. Time Management

Employers want those who can work efficiently and manage their time. Provide work examples that show you can consistently and successfully meet deadlines or juggle multiple tasks without delay using this skill to add to your resume.

12. Bias for Action

Having a strong bias for action means you are confident in making the right decisions that align with your company and position without consulting a higher-up each step of the way. You don’t have to be in a management position to handle your responsibilities and get work done. Don’t wait for someone else to call you out.

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13. Work Ethic

How you approach your work is as crucial as the technical skills you list in the skills section of your resume. Employers always appreciate a work ethic that shows you are committed and dedicated to the job. In your resume, point out tasks and work achievements that reveal you are going above and beyond and demonstrate how you have put time and energy into your work.

14. Data Privacy and Security

With growing concerns regarding data breaches and privacy, knowledge of data security measures and compliance with regulations is essential, especially in the IT and healthcare industries.

15. Customer Service

Add customer service skills to your resume by listing work experience where you have successfully assisted others, facilitated consumer satisfaction and management, and delivered measurable results for the organization.

16. Sales and Marketing

Sales and marketing skills involve promoting products or services and persuading customers to purchase. These skills are vital in sales and business development roles.

17. Public Speaking

This unique resume skill is often overlooked but essential, especially in customer-facing roles. If you can show that you can effectively communicate your ideas in front of a group of people, you can impress potential employers. After all, only some people are comfortable speaking in front of a large group.

18. Creativity

Personal skills such as problem-solving and out-of-the-box thinking are excellent additions to your resume skills list. Creativity is a good skill to show on a resume, particularly for industries that rely on innovation to maintain a competitive edge.

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19. Project Management

Project management skills include all that aid in managing task flows and completing assignments. It’s a great skill set for someone working alongside multiple individuals. In addition to being impeccably organized, those with project management skills often have a unique set of people skills that allow them to identify and delegate work for a positive and expedient outcome.

20. Mathematics

Do you consider yourself good at math? Whether your answer is yes or no, you likely have some math skills to list on your resume. Those who want to express a high level of general mathematical understanding should consider listing math skills or advanced mathematical reasoning. Also, list specific math skills, including finance knowledge, computer programming languages, or mathematical problem-solving. Time management can even be a helpful math skill.

21. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing skills, including SEO, social media management, and online advertising, are crucial for businesses looking to expand their online presence and reach. You can acquire these skills through an online digital marketing course.

22. Emotional Intelligence

Psychology Today states emotional intelligence is the capability to identify and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. In the workplace, you are even-keeled and rational and can manage ups and downs without losing control. Although this is essential for everybody, it’s a pivotal skill to include on a resume.

23. Flexibility

Many industries and organizations covet employees who are dynamic and adaptable to every circumstance or have a natural ability to use various methods and approaches in different circumstances to achieve the best results.

24. Organizational Proficiency

These skills are some of the most significant and transferable capabilities an employee can acquire. They encompass skills that help workers plan, prioritize, and achieve their goals. The organizational skills you want to market exceed basic sorting and filling out paperwork. How should you approach a long to-do list? Furthermore, how should you ensure your work is completed promptly and adequately? Organizing work allows employees to focus on different projects without getting disoriented or overwhelmed, increasing productivity and efficiency in the workplace. 

25. Writing

Are you a natural with a pen or keyboard? If yes, definitely list your writing skills on your resume. Expressing yourself through the written word can be critical in various careers. It helps individuals create effective reports, draft grant proposals, write explicit emails to colleagues, or devise attention-grabbing marketing content. Writing skills allow professionals to communicate with small or large audiences and adjust their style to fit their professional setting.

26. Perceptiveness

Every employer seeks a candidate who can avoid mistakes; attention to detail helps you achieve that. Showcase your ability by including examples of when you reduced distractions to focus on all areas of a project or task, troubleshot problems or gave a brief review that led to new insights.

27. Foreign Language Proficiency

Proficiency in a foreign language enhances marketability and opens opportunities in international business, diplomacy, and global organizations.

28. Tech-savviness

Being tech-savvy always means on the cutting edge and consistently keeping up with emerging technologies. It helps you deliver innovative solutions that help your company remain competitive in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

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29. Research and Data Analysis

Intense research and data analysis skills are valuable in market research, academia, and policy analysis, enabling evidence-based decision-making.

30. Crisis and Risk Management

Crisis management involves responding effectively to unexpected and high-pressure situations, minimizing damage, and maintaining business continuity. Identifying and mitigating risks is vital in finance, insurance, and project management to protect against potential losses.

How to List Key Skills for Resume?

So, now let’s narrow down how to list skills on a resume so that it passes through resume tracking software, stands out professionally, and catches the eye of potential employers. 

  • Show Job-Specific Skills on Your Resume: Only write about job-specific skills currently used and recognized in your job. Avoid including old programming languages and machinery as they make you look out of touch with current trends.
  • Limit Your List to Only Applicable Skills: A skill section aims to convince an employer that you can do the job, but only some tasks are imaginable. Write only the professional skills relevant to the job. It would also be helpful to include the proficiency levels on the resume.
  • Organize Your Skills Categorywise: Divide skills into significant categories related to the position. For example, a web developer’s skill set could be divided into programming languages, software, design, DevOps, and soft skills.
  • Include Relevant Synonyms: Use synonyms and different phrases that are used to improve your skills. For instance, social media marketing, or SMM, can refer to specific platforms, such as Facebook or Pinterest marketing.
  • List Your Important Skills a Few Times: Recruiters use skills as keywords for Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) searches. That makes listing your skills a few times in your resume essential. An ATS counts keyword frequency and ranks the applications based on usage.
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FAQs on Top 30 Essential Skills for Your Resume (CV) in 2024

1. What type of skills should I put in my resume?

Your resume should include a combination of hard skills and soft skills.
Hard skills involve job-specific skills acquired through education, training, or work experience. At the same time, soft skills include personality traits that are helpful at the workplace and help you adapt to the company culture better.

2. What are the top skills employers look for?

The top skills that employers look for on a resume are as follows:

– Problem-solving skills: Critical thinking, creativity, and analytical skills
– Technical skills: Computer skills, social media, programming languages, and enterprise software
– Interpersonal skills: Communication, teamwork, and empathy
– Customer-service skills: Time management, active listening, and prioritization
– Leadership skills: Decision-making, stress management, and organization

3. How do I list my skills on a resume?

– Ensure to include your best skills in a resume summary or objective. It’s the most critical and first section of your resume.
– When writing your work experience section, use the PAR formula to build your accomplishment statements. That way, you will mention how you brought the results, which gives away your skill set.
– Create a list of skills in resume bullet points tailored to the job description.

4. Where should I put skills on a resume?

It mainly depends on the resume format you choose while making your resume:

– Chronological Resume:  Write your skills under the work experience section.
– Functional Resume: Write a skills sum-up below the career objective. Give a short description of every skill and explain how you used it.
– Combination Resume: Group your skills under the header and list several achievements to showcase your qualifications.

5. Why do you need to include skills in your resume?

You must mention skills in your resume because doing this will:

– Prove to the employers that you have what it takes to do the job.
– Highlight your technical skills, proficiency, and what differentiates you from the other job candidates.
– Allow recruiters to quickly assess whether you are qualified for the job and whether you align with the company’s needs.
– Help you with ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems), which many companies use to streamline the screening process. 

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A resume is an essential element in the application process. Once applicants learn how to wield it correctly, it helps them gain attention and find their dream job. Whether you are looking for your first job after graduation or amid a career shift, this guide on skills to have on your resume has been helpful.

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