11 Key Skills for Interview to Get Hired in 2024

11 Key Skills for Interview to Get Hired in 2024

Cracking an interview and landing a dream job is not just about knowing the technical aspects of the job. You need to possess a set of skills that are completely different from the ones you require for the job. 

Most people mug up answers to technical questions and think they know what to expect in an interview. They prepare for commonly asked questions but hardly pay attention to essential skills for interviewing that hiring managers notice. 

To get through a hiring process successfully, you need to prepare diligently so you can be comfortable and calm in the interview room. You must also acquire and build a few essential skills that make you naturally good during interviews. 

Apart from your technical expertise and knowledge, interviewers look for various other basic skills in interview, and we have explored 11 such skills in this blog. 

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What Are Interview Skills?

Interviewing skills show the abilities of job candidates to interact effectively with recruiters and employers, proving why they are the best fit for the role. 

These skills not only highlight your qualifications and experience but also your credibility. It’s important to acquire important interview skills because they help you be honest and listen to your interviewers, which tells employers how well you fit in the job and workplace.

Remember that interviewers pay attention to every word you say, every gesture, and other details while you answer questions. So, each interview skill showcases your best traits and differentiates you from other candidates. 

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List of Skills for Interview

Skills for Interview

Interviews give you a platform to show your expertise, skills, and knowledge related to a specific field. You demonstrate your hard and soft skills to prove you are the best person for the role. 

As stakes are always high during job interviews, you must put your best foot forward to impress interviewers. Here are the top 11 interview skills that employers look for in candidates:

  1. Research
  2. Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
  3. Active Listening
  4. Confidence
  5. Positivity and Optimism
  6. Time Management
  7. Emotional Intelligence
  8. Storytelling
  9. Curiosity
  10. Sense of Purpose
  11. Negotiation

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Top Interview Skills for Job

Let’s talk about the job interview skills in detail:

1. Research

Interviewers always appreciate candidates with excellent research skills. Your knowledge regarding the company, its vision, goals, and the industry can make you stand out. Hence, before you go for the interview, do thorough research about the company, read its reviews, services, competitors, your job role, and work environment. 

Find as much information as possible online and jot down all the crucial points. This will help you assess whether you are a good fit for the job. Also, you can better prepare for the interview, increasing your chances of selection.

Also, make notes about how you can contribute to the team and company and be a part of its mission. Prepare for questions that you think interviewers might ask and align your answers with the company’s goals and values. Make sure to include points that are not mentioned in our resume or cover letter. 

But how do you start your research? First, conduct a quick online search and read everything you can find about the company. Second, know about the company’s achievements and what it is known for. 

Read its ‘About Us’ section on the website and LinkedIn or its profile across various job portals. Learn about their approach, work environment, history, and other aspects. We recommend checking its social media profiles for better insights. 

Finally, extra preparation won’t hurt anyone. So, read about competitors, go through its blogs, the challenges it has faced, and what different you can bring to the table to add value. 

Such detailed preparation will show your dedication and enthusiasm for the job, and when interviewers know that you have done your homework, it will surely impress them. 

2. Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

It’s not just your verbal communication that matters; you also need to brush up on your non-verbal skills to establish a rapport with hiring managers. Your verbal communication skills include words you choose, your tone, pitch, and pace, whereas nn-verbal skills include eye contact, posture, gestures, nodding, etc.

Recruiters often pay attention to the language, tone, vocabulary, and pitch you use to determine whether you can communicate your ideas clearly and effectively. So, avoid talking too fast. It makes you look anxious and doesn’t convey your message as intended. Stay calm, talk slowly, and enunciate.

When we talk about non-verbal communication skills, interviewers start noticing it the moment you walk into the room. They analyze your body language, facial expressions, eye contact, posture, and other factors to see how self-aware you are. 

For example, crossed legs or arms are generally considered a sign of nervousness. On the other hand, smile and eye contact come across as a sign of confidence, which can lead to your success. Remember that even when you are not talking, you speak to interviewers through your body language. 

Both are basic interview skills that interviewers notice in every candidate and can make a huge impact on their decision. So, practice giving interviews in front of a mirror and observe your body language. Work on your pauses, hand movements, and smile. Also, take a few deep and steady breaths before going for the interview. This will help you feel more in control of your mind and body, keeping anxieties at bay. 

3. Active Listening

Active listening is much more than just listening to what interviewers say. It also means focusing on the intent and feelings of the speakers. When interviewers talk, especially when explaining the job role, describing the company’s goals, and answering common queries, active listening will come in handy.

It will help you decide if the job is right for you or not. You will also be able to determine the key points interviewers have made. This shows that you are engaged in the conversation and are processing everything told to you. 

Make eye contact, paraphrase or rephrase questions you are asked, nod, ask follow-up questions, show your curiosity, make notes, and stay invested throughout the interview. The best way to build active listening skills is through practice. Apply all the listed strategies while you practice in front of a mirror or a friend. Ask an experienced family member to guide you and suggest points for improvements. 

4. Confidence

Despite preparing your best and knowing the answers to all questions, sometimes nerves can get the best of you. As stakes are high during interviews, it’s normal to lose your calm and get anxious. Therefore, it’s necessary that you work on staying confident as it shows your trust in yourself and ties other interview handling skills together. 

Be prepared to be challenged during interviews and convey your confidence while talking. Stay focused on your goal and answer all the questions calmly. 

Make interviewers see things your way. Speak at a measured pace, as it shows you are calm and relaxed. Also, when you are curious and ask questions, it shows your knowledge and research. 

Other ways to showcase confidence include greeting interviewers with a handshake, not fidgeting, making eye contact, and talking slowly. We understand that working on many aspects can be challenging, but practice is your best way out. 

5. Positivity and Optimism

Companies don’t want to hire people with negative attitudes. Things can be difficult for you personally, but this is a professional place, so don’t bring your baggage into the interview room. 

When you are reasonable and natural, you give a positive impression and show your problem-solving attitude. Recruiters know you seek opportunities in every challenging situation rather than complaining about it. 

For example, when hiring managers ask about previous employers and reasons for leaving the last job, never say anything negative about your last company. Share how it helped you hone your skills and knowledge and added value to your career. 

 An optimistic approach can influence recruiters to make decisions in your favor. Also, it’s not only about what you say but also how you present yourself. So, keep your body language and approach friendly yet professional.

6. Time Management

Time management skills show that you can efficiently plan and organize your time, prepare for important meetings, and deliver results within the stipulated time. It is one of the key skills required for interview as recruiters often judge candidates based on it. 

So, arrive at the venue at least 10-15 minutes early and track your time while answering questions. Plan your route and mode of travel to arrive on time. Have some buffer time in case of heavy traffic or unseen situations. 

Don’t take excessive time for every question, as it shows that you are unprepared. Keep your answers crisp and brief while avoiding adding unnecessary details. If you don’t know the answer, don’t beat around the bush. Answer it briefly, accept that you don’t have much knowledge of the topic, and move on to the next question. 

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7. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) comprises conflict resolution, empathy, and self-awareness, which are the most sought-after interview skills. It shows your interpersonal and team-building skills and how understanding you are. It also demonstrates how generously you respond to different situations and if you can effectively communicate with team members when required.

Companies hire candidates because they want a professional to solve a certain problem or handle a specific situation. This can be dealing with an overwhelming workload or fixing a technical glitch. So, you must explain how to address an issue and meet their requirements. Your EQ will enable you to come across as an inspiring and motivating person who can adapt to difficult situations. 

Don’t be afraid to take on more responsibilities. Show how you seek opportunities for growth and are ready to spare no effort to resolve a problem. This will prove to your interviewers that you are a team player. 

Emotional intelligence is not built in a few days. It is developed throughout life through different experiences and situations. The most crucial thing is to be self-aware and put yourself in others’ shoes. 

8. Storytelling

Interviewers already have basic details from your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. However, this is not enough to describe you accurately. You need to understand that hiring managers speak to new candidates every day, and you need to make an impact so they remember you.

Treat your interview as an opportunity to share a comprehensive narrative of who you are, your experience, qualities, skills, what you can offer to the company, and what makes you right for the job. 

Tell a story so recruiters can evaluate your skills better and get a better insight into your academic and professional journeys. Tie all the vital points of your story together, supporting your experiences and the decisions you made. Make it a compelling story that engages your interviewer, and connect it with the job you are applying for. 

Storytelling is among the top job interview skills, and it demands practice. Speak in front of a mirror and record it. Try saying it in front of a friend or family member to get suggestions for improvements. However, don’t make it look rehearsed or that you are thinking hard about it. The best way is to make bullet points and create an engaging yet brief story. 

9. Curiosity

Interviews mean equal involvement of candidates and hiring managers and mutual discussion rather than a one-sided Q&A session. At times, we forget to have small talk or ask necessary questions due to nervousness. You must ask relevant questions related to the company, job roles, team, work environment, etc.

It will provide you with deeper insights into the value, vision, and challenges of the company. Also, you will get to learn about the organization and have a healthy conversation with the interviewer. 

Your curiosity shows that you are actually interested in the job. It’s also a chance to showcase your skills and experiences. However, never ask irrelevant questions that can reduce your chances of getting hired. It’s better you prepare around two to three questions before the interview. 

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10. Sense of Purpose

As you communicate your expertise, experience, and knowledge, make sure you also share your goals and purpose to join that particular company. Have a solid and logical reason to apply for that role and mention how you can contribute to the team and add value. 

This is going to stay with the interviewer for a long time and increase your chances of getting hired.

If you don’t have a purpose, then no skill or experience will be useful. Hence, a sense of purpose is considered a must-have interview skill. Start by explaining your journey to engage interviewers. Show your growth as a professional over the years and your achievements. Mention how you have been focused and attained your goals with your hard work and determination. 

Ask questions regarding the team to understand if you will fit in or not. If you have people working in that role, talk to them to learn more about the job. 

11. Negotiation

No matter how much you need the job, refrain from looking desperate. Don’t agree to any offer employers make. Know your worth, research the industry, and quote your expected salary. 

However, don’t quote too high. It should be favorable for you and your employers. Show your passion and interest in the role while maintaining your stand. Your negotiation skills can get you a higher salary and significant career growth. 

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FAQs Related to Interview Skills

1. Why is it important to prepare for an interview?

Preparing for an interview is the most crucial step for any candidate as it makes them stay calm throughout and answer questions confidently and effectively. This ultimately increases their chances of getting hired for the job.

2. How can excellent interviewing skills advance my career?

Acquiring interview skills helps you crack challenging interviews and secure promising job opportunities. You can build a professional network and recruiters would be compelled to hire you because of your impressive personality and skills.

3. How to prepare for an interview to improve my chances of success?

Although there is no set rule or method to prepare for an interview, it is always helpful to start with research. Go through the job description carefully, read about the company and its culture, and assess how your knowledge can add value to the team. Connect with other company employees or prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewer to learn more about the job and organization. 

4. What are all the essential skills to ace an interview?

The top skills to acquire to ace an interview are communication, research, confidence, time management, punctuality, professionalism, and curiosity.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid during an interview?

The most common and biggest mistake to avoid is to go unprepared. You must read the job description, company culture, and role requirements meticulously. Also, practice some questions to feel confident. Appearing casually for the interview without any preparation leaves a wrong impression and reduces your chances of getting hired.

6. What are the factors to consider when preparing for an interview?

The most critical factors to consider when preparing for an interview are:

– Connecting with references
– Researching about the position and company
– Conducting self-assessment
– Preparing for commonly asked questions
– Practicing questions that you want to ask

7. What are the qualities that hiring managers look for during an interview?

The essential qualities that an interviewer or hiring team looks for in a candidate are leadership, communication, adaptability, problem-solving, ownership, and a positive approach. 


Preparing for an interview demands a lot of work and preparation, which goes beyond your hard skills. You need to build confidence and learn to stay calm to engage the interviewer and leave an impression. Believe in yourself, and rest will be easy. 

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