8 Effective Presentation Skills and Tips to Improve Them

8 Effective Presentation Skills and Tips to Improve Them

Whether you pitch a business idea, convince a potential client, or share your knowledge with peers, good presentation skills ensure you communicate your message effectively to the audience and make a lasting impression. 

Even if you are a seasoned speaker, there’s always room for improvement. You need a certain presentation skill in every field to stand out and get your ideas across. However, only a few have mastered this skill.

The key to an excellent presentation is how you deliver the information. It’s important that you present the information well so it engages the audience and influences their perspective. 

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The good news is that you can easily build and hone a skill for presentation with practice. We have listed 8 essential presentation skills that will help you deliver best presentations. 

What Are Presentation Skills?

Presentation skills are vital qualities and capabilities required to deliver an engaging, educational, enlightening, and compelling presentation to the audience. These skills are closely related to public speaking, including what you say, how you behave and reply, how you stand, what information you share, and how you feel.

Important presentation skills enable you to convey your ideas, thoughts, and opinions to people confidently and clearly. They also help you influence, inspire, and engage listeners. Presentation skills are not restricted to data and numbers but go beyond that, empowering you to communicate your message confidently. 

You can use various tools to get the attention of your audience and persuade them to take the desired action. 

You can make presentations at different occasions and times, including:

  • Pitching your business idea
  • Proposing a marketing campaign
  • Teaching students about a particular topic
  • Making a speech at a wedding, conference, etc
  • Explaining a project to the team

You need multiple skills for effective presentation, each helping you gain confidence and convey your idea better to the listeners. We will discuss the eight most crucial presentation skills that you need to work on.

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List of Presentation Skills

If you have to give a presentation in your office or to client, what do you think are the most essential skills you need to possess? How would you make people feel engaged? What language or tone would you use? What will be your approach? We have got all the answers. Here are the key skills for good presentation that you must acquire. 

  1. Creativity
  2. Verbal Communication
  3. Storytelling
  4. Humor
  5. Confidence
  6. Persuasion
  7. Active Listening
  8. Time Management

Important Presentation Skills to Learn

Effective Presentation Skills

Let’s talk about the most important skills for presentation in detail:

1. Creativity

You need to bring innovative ideas to the table to keep your audience engaged and involved throughout. This would mean coming up with exciting and unique ways to give presentations and share your ideas through interesting graphs, charts, videos, examples, animation, and other visual elements. 

Also, keep on interacting with your audience by asking questions and giving them chances to raise queries. You must understand what listeners want and expect and craft your presentation around their interests. Provide maximum value to your audience to deliver your message more effectively and confidently.

2. Verbal Communication

No matter what language you use, the way you use it and convey your message is the most critical part of any presentation. It decides how your audience will receive the information and react to it. Hence, work on your verbal communication skills, including clear pronunciation, vocabulary use, and an impactful tone. 

Communicate concisely and clearly to deliver the best presentation. Moreover, enunciate and use correct grammar. Your voice should be loud enough so everyone can hear. Take a pause whenever necessary and think before you speak. Also, tailor your language and your way of talking to meet the needs of the audience.

Other important factors to hone your verbal communication skills include the presence of mind, regular practice, interacting rather than simply reading from notes, and ensuring two-way communication. 

3. Storytelling

Storytelling is certainly the most powerful way to put your ideas and perspectives into the world. People may forget random news, ideas, or messages. However, when they see or read the same idea as a story, it leaves a lasting impression on them. 

It is because our brains are hardwired to store information when told as a story. We tend to imagine characters and dive into this imaginary world. 

Therefore, many public speakers consider storytelling among the top strategies for presentation. Storytelling can grab the audience’s reaction at once and keep them hooked for longer. Also, it has the power to transform any idea into a beautiful and compelling reality, piquing their curiosity at every stage. 

Add a personal story, build up suspense, add dramatic pauses, and use voice modulations. However, focus on the bottom line of your presentation and end your story with a positive outcome. 

Also read: How to Improve Communication Skills? For Professionals & At Workplace

4. Humor

Keep your presentation light by adding a few jokes wherever appropriate. Take pauses for some light-hearted moments as it engages the audience and brings their attention back to what you are saying. 

5. Confidence

Your emotions and reactions play a major role in presenting your idea. Hence, monitor your body language, including gestures, pictures, position, eye contact, and expressions. Everything should spew confidence. 

It doesn’t matter what you say; the important thing is how you say it and how much you believe it. If you come across as an expert in a field and talk about it with conviction, ensuring the right body and hand movement, then others will follow. 

Another key element is self-awareness, which helps you deal with nervousness and perform efficiently. You should look fresh and dynamic rather than dull and boring.

6. Persuasion

Presentation is all about selling your idea, which requires influencing and persuading others. So, this is another skill you need to add to your list. 

Persuasion is the ability to convince others to believe in your idea and invest in it. So, you need to ensure your audience feels connected and is involved. You should have facts and figures to validate your points and answer all queries confidently to leave no room for doubts. 

7. Active Listening

Presentation is not only about talking and sharing your message. It also involves listening to what people have to say. When you listen, understand, and respond thoughtfully, you create a stronger and deeper bond with the audience. Also, they feel engaged rather than bored. 

Many public speakers emphasize active listening as one of the primary presentation strategies. It maintains the attention of the audience, keeping them focused and reducing passive responses. Also, it delivers the right and accurate message, which encourages a desired call to action. 

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8. Time Management

Imagine you are giving a presentation and realize your time is running out. The worst part is that you haven’t even discussed the main idea. All your efforts and hard work are in vain. 

When you exceed the allotted time and continue talking for longer, you risk losing the audience’s attention. You also fail to convey the message and can miss a crucial opportunity. Therefore, make sure you keep your presentation precise and end it within the given time. 

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Tips to Improve Key Skills for Presentation

It’s easy to list presentation skills. However, mastering them demands consistent practice and effort. If you want to develop your presentation skills, then we have got you covered with the following tips for effective presentation:

  1. Watch Other Presentations
  2. Try Breathing Techniques
  3. Develop Friendly Bady Language
  4. Understand Your Audience
  5. Make the Best of Technology
  6. Practice, Practice, and Practice

1. Watch Other Presentations

Before you give your first presentation, we recommend watching a few videos of speeches and presentations. You can easily find videos online; watch them multiple times and notice their body language, tone, way of talking, and other details. 

You can also attend seminars, conferences, and presentations to get a better experience. This will help you build confidence and learn how the audience reacts to different situations. Talk to people with good public speaking and presentation skills to seek their guidance. 

Understand how to change your approach according to the mood of the crowd. How can you make them laugh and think logically? How can you get their attention and encourage feedback?

Incorporate the qualities of experienced speakers and work on them to make your presentation impactful. 

2. Try Breathing Techniques

When we are nervous, we hold our breath without realizing it. Our body gets stiff, and we get more anxious. So, it’s necessary that you stay calm and relaxed before the presentation. For this, you can try various breathing techniques that help you quell anxiety and nervousness. 

You learn to deal with jitters and control your mind to be more relaxed. Take a few deep breaths before going on stage, slowly inhaling and exhaling to get oxygen to your brain. Also, when your mind is calm and focused, you avoid blunders which are common in the beginning. 

Give yourself plenty of time to get familiar with the environment by arriving early. Drink water and juice to keep yourself hydrated.

3. Develop Friendly Bady Language

No matter how much you hone your skills and how well-structured your presentation is, if your body language is not impressive and confident, everything else is useless. Your body language shows your confidence and friendliness, which connects the audience with your idea and engages them.

This is a good presentation skill that takes time and practice to develop. Sometimes, simple eye contact can work wonders, showing people you are talking to them. Avoid keeping your hands in your pocket or crossing your arms as it suggests you are not interested in communicating with the audience. 

Use gestures, smile continuously, and ask questions to keep the audience involved. Point to slides and use your hands while referencing something. Use visuals to engage people and notice their reactions. 

4. Understand Your Audience

The success and effectiveness of any presentation depend on how much you understand your audience. Rather than focusing and displaying your knowledge, you must understand what your listeners expect and want. 

So, make sure you know your audience well and their requirements. This will significantly influence how you give your presentation. Also, it will ensure that you convey your message and thoughts as intended. 

Remember that what you say, how you say it, and the details you share, will be based on your target audience. 

5. Make the Best of Technology

Use visual aids and a cutting-edge tech stack to transform your presentation into something incredible. Gain a fair understanding of different software and hardware you can use to make your presentation more interesting. 

You can use various tools to add graphs, visuals, and other intriguing elements. For example, Powtoon is an animation software used to create videos without hassle. Similarly, Canva is a popular tool for finding templates. Who doesn’t know PowerPoint? Microsoft’s leading program to make excellent presentations. 

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6. Practice, Practice, and Practice

If you want to feel comfortable speaking in front of an audience and enhance your presentation skills, there is no better way than to go through the material and practice it several times. It is the key to success and the easiest way to improve your skills.

Moreover, it will help you determine your mistakes and flaws. You will know what areas need improvement and what your strengths are. While practicing, focus on pauses and speed of your speech, places to control your pace, and places to add dramatic breaks. 

You can practice in front of a mirror to analyze your body language and see what you are doing well and what you aren’t. Your hand gestures, postures, and eye contact should be correct. 

The more you practice, the more confident you will become. It will also help you determine the length of your presentation. If needed, you can ask a friend or family member for suggestions. 

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FAQs Related to Presentation Skills

What are the different types of presentations?

There are mainly eight types of presentations, each with its pros and strengths:

1. Coach Style– It is used to convey what an idea is instead of communicating how it can happen.
2. Freeform Style- It involves loose structure and stories and is ideal for short presentations.
3. Connector Style- It shows to the audience how similar a presenter is to them, ensuring better connection. It allows the presenter to learn and grow with the audience.
4. Visual Style- It involves heavy use of images to get across a point.
5. Storytelling Style- It includes anecdotes and examples that connect you emotionally with the audience.
6. Instructor Style- It is mainly used for lectures in universities to impart information to the audience.
7. Lessig Style- It is used for short and concise presentations, where you talk about each slide for no longer than 15 seconds. 
8. Takahashi Style- It uses plain and large texts on slides. There are no images and just 1-2 sentences. It is used when you are short on time and must get straight to the point.

What makes a good presentation?

A good presentation ensures more audience engagement, interaction, and participation. It should convey your thoughts and ideas clearly and be well-researched. Also, you must have the necessary knowledge of the topic and must speak confidently. 

How can I be less nervous during a presentation?

The following are a few tips to be less nervous during your presentation:
-Stay focused on what you say rather than on your audience because people are more interested in what you have to say.
-Stay organized and confident, so you know what to say and when. You should know your content by heart.
-If you forget a point or lose track of your presentation, do not fear silence. Use it as a chance to take a deep breath and get back on track.
-Practice multiple times before the final presentation.

What are some important actions to take before the presentation?

Before you give your final presentation, take the following steps to ensure everything goes smoothly:
-Arrive early
-Get familiar with the room
-Listen to other presenters
-Use note cards

Why should I develop public speaking skills?

Here are the major benefits of public speaking skills:
-Helps in career and personal growth.
-Allows you to share your ideas confidently with people.
-Strengthens your collaboration and team-building skills.
-Expands your network and creates professional connections.
-Gives you confidence.


Presentation skills are a valuable asset for any professional in any field. When you say something confidently, it makes a lasting impact on the audience. Incorporate the above-mentioned presentation tips to pique the interest of your audience.

Most importantly, be authentic. Yes, watching presentations by others can help you become better, but don’t try to copy someone. Be unique to showcase your strengths and create a place for yourself. 

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