Top 70 Google Ads and PPC Interview Questions with Answers

Top 70 Google Ads and PPC Interview Questions With Answers (2024)

Are you anxious about your Google Adwords and PPC interview? We have listed the top Google ads and PPC interview questions and answers to help you during your preparations. This list will help you build confidence in your preparations, which are the first step in defining your career path. 

Google Ads and PPC Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain PPC marketing. Why do you think PPC is essential in digital marketing?

Acronomy for pay-per-click marketing, PPC is a marketing strategy that drives traffic from search engines or other websites to a company’s website. The advertiser is paid when a user clicks on the ad. Hence, the payment is made per click.

PPC is important because of the following reasons:

  • You can reach the right customer at the right time.
  • PPC shows results more quickly than organic campaigns.
  • PPC can effectively advertise odd products that are difficult to find soon.
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2. What is Google Ad? On which model does Google Ads work?

Developed by Google, Google Ads is an online advertising platform. Advertisers pay to display brief ads, product listings, video content, and service offerings to users and generate mobile app installs within the Google ad network. 

Google Ads’ system partly hinges on cookies and keywords determined by advertisers. Google Ads offers various advertising formats, including text-based, display, video, and app-install ads. It allows advertisers to set a budget for their advertising campaign and only pay when users click on their ads (pay-per-click model) or when their ad is displayed (pay-per-impression model).

Google Ads leverage the PPC or pay-per-click online system. 

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3. What are the benefits of Google Ads?

Here are a few benefits of using Google AdWords – 

  • Amazing reach
  • Campaign success measurability
  • Good targeting
  • Control over budgets
  • Significant increase in conversions

4. Explain the working of Google Adwords.

Here’s a basic overview of how Google Ads works:

Setting up an Account:

  • Businesses need to create an account to get started with Google Ads. This involves providing basic information about the company and creating ad campaigns.

Creating a Campaign:

  • Within the Google Ads account, advertisers create campaigns. Each campaign has its budget and targeting parameters.
  • Advertisers can choose from different campaign types, such as Search Network campaigns (text ads displayed on Google search results) or Display Network campaigns (image or text ads displayed on various websites).

Choosing Keywords:

  • Advertisers select relevant keywords for their business for Search Network campaigns. The ads may appear when a person searches for these keywords on Google.

Setting Bids and Budgets:

  • Advertisers set bids for their chosen keywords, indicating the maximum amount they will pay when someone clicks on their ad (Cost Per Click or CPC).
  • They also set a daily budget, controlling how much they will spend on the campaign daily.

Creating Advertisements:

  • Advertisers create compelling ads with headlines, descriptions, and relevant URLs to attract clicks from users interested in their products or services.

Targeting and Placement:

  • Advertisers can specify the geographic locations where their ads will appear and the time of day they will appear. They can also target specific demographics and interests.
  • For Display Network campaigns, advertisers can choose specific websites or types of websites where they want their ads to be displayed.

Ad Auction:

  • When someone searches on Google using keywords targeted by an advertiser, Google runs an ad auction to determine which ads will be shown.
  • The auction considers the bid, ad quality, and relevance. Advertisers with higher bids and more relevant ads have a better chance of winning the auction.

Ad Rank and Ad Position:

  • Ad Rank is a metric that determines an ad’s position on the search results page. It’s calculated based on the bid, ad quality, and extensions.
  • Ads with higher Ad Ranks are more likely to be shown in higher positions on the page.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Model:

  • With Google Ads, advertisers pay only when someone clicks on their ad, not for the displayed ad. This is known as the pay-per-click (PPC) model.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization:

  • Advertisers continually monitor the performance of their campaigns using Google Ads’ analytics tools. They can adjust bids, refine keywords, and make other optimizations to improve the effectiveness of their ads.

5. Why use Google Adwords?

Google Ads is a solid online advertising platform. Businesses use to promote their products/ services through targeted advertisements. There are several reasons to use Google Ads:


  • Globally, Google is a broadly used search engine with billions of daily searches. Through Google Ads, businesses can tap into this vast audience and increase their online visibility.

Targeted Advertising:

  • Google Ads lets advertisers target specific demographics, locations, devices, and user behavior. This targeting capability ensures that ads are shown to the most relevant audience, enhancing the likelihood of reaching potential customers.


  • Google Ads operates on a PPC model. Here, advertisers pay only when a user clicks on their ad, making it a cost-effective advertising solution, especially for businesses with a limited budget.

Measurable Results:

  • Google Ads provides thorough analytics and reporting tools that allow advertisers to track their campaigns’ performance. Metrics such as clicks, impressions, and conversion rates can be analyzed, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of advertising efforts.

Quick Results:

  • Unlike traditional advertising forms that may take time to yield results, Google Ads can generate quick, measurable outcomes. Advertisers can start seeing traffic and results shortly after launching a campaign.


  • Advertisers control their campaigns and can adjust parameters such as budget, targeting options, and ad copy in real time. This flexibility allows for quick optimization based on the performance data.

Ad Formats:

  • Google Ads supports various ad formats, including text, display, video, and shopping ads. This diversity lets advertisers choose the best format for their marketing goals and target audience.

Local Advertising:

  • Google Ads allows for geotargeting for businesses targeting local customers, ensuring that ads are shown to users in specific locations. This is especially advantageous for brick-and-mortar businesses looking to attract customers in their vicinity.

Competitive Advantage:

  • Given Google’s widespread use, leveraging Google Ads provides a competitive advantage. Businesses that appear prominently in search results capture the attention of potential customers.


  • Google Ads enables remarketing campaigns, allowing advertisers to target people who have previously visited their site. This helps re-engage potential customers and increase the chances of conversion.

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6. Explain Campaign Management.

Campaign management refers to creating and managing a company’s advertising campaign on Google AdWords. The campaign manager oversees the campaign and provides the best return on investment (ROI). 

7. Why is PPC a fundamental point of online advertising?

PPC is a must because it shows results faster than organic campaigns integrating search engine optimization techniques. It helps companies reach the right customers and is also helpful in marketing products that otherwise may be difficult to find. 

8. What is Ad Rank?

Ad Rank is an ad’s position on the Google page. The bid amount, ad quality, ad thresholds, competition, user search context, and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats determine it.

A good ad rank ensures the ad gets more visibility compared to others. It is recalculated every time the ad is eligible to appear, so its position fluctuates depending on the above factors.

9. Explain Google’s quality score.

It is a metric used by Google Ads to measure the quality and relevance of your ad campaigns. The quality score plays a crucial role in determining the placement of your ads and how much you will pay for each click. It evaluates the overall quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages.

The quality score is calculated based on:

  1. Relevance of Keywords: Google assesses how closely your keywords are related to the content of your ads. Relevant keywords increase the likelihood of your ad being shown.
  2. Ad Click-Through Rate (CTR) calculates the percentage of individuals clicking on your ad after seeing it. A higher CTR is generally an indicator of a more relevant and engaging ad.
  3. Ad Relevance: Google evaluates how well your ad matches the intent of the people’s search query. The more relevant your ad is to the user’s search, the higher your Quality Score.
  4. Landing Page Experience: Google looks at the quality and relevance of the page users reach after clicking on your ad. A well-designed and relevant landing page can positively impact your Quality Score.

The quality score is outlined on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the highest possible score. Ads with higher quality scores are generally rewarded with better ad placements and lower costs per click. 

10. Explain how to step up Google Adwords Campaign.

Given below is the step-by-step guide to setting up a Google Ads campaign is as follows:  

  • Open an account at or log in if you have existing one. 
  • Decide your campaign’s daily budget. Google evaluates the coverage you can get with the budget you enter to help you make the best option. 
  • Decide the geographic location of your target audience to exclude people uncovered by your products/ services. 
  • Select a network. Uncheck the Display Network option if you wish your advertisement to appear in Google’s search engine. 
  • List out your keywords and include the matches.
  • Decide the highest offer you are willing to pay for every click. 
  • Write the text for your first ad. 
  • Enter your payment details. 

11. Explain the actual cost per click.

The actual cost per click for advertisers is determined at auction. It is not visible. However, it may be less than your maximum CPC bid because you only pay what’s necessary to beat the ad rank of the nearby competitor below you. 

The equation to calculate CPC: CPC = (Ad rank to beat / Quality score) + $0.01. However, the average CPC can be seen.

12. What are the various Google Adwords extensions?

Different types of extensions can be used to increase traffic. Some common ad extensions are:

  • Site link extension
  • Callout extension
  • Structured snippet extension 
  • Call extension
  • Message extension
  • Location extension
  • Affiliate location extension 
  • Price extension
  • App extension
  • Review extension 
  • Promotion extension.

13. What is the formula for finding CTR (Click-Through Rate)? Does CTR help improve the quality score? 

CTR is a unit used to measure the click rate of your ad. 

The simple formula calculates it: clicks/impressions*100. 

It is one of the critical factors in determining the ad’s quality score. So, making an effort to boost the CTR decreases the overall spending. Also, it indicates the success of your ad descriptions and headings in being relevant and eye-catching. Each keyword and ad has its CTRs. 

Combined with other KPIs, a high average CTR leads to the campaign’s success. Further, it affects future campaign performance. The average click-through rate in Google AdWords is 2%, so anything above 2% is considered above average.

14. State the difference between CPM, CPC, and CPV bidding.

  • CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions)

Advertisers pay for every 1000 impressions (views) of their advertisement, regardless of whether it is clicked. CPM is used in brand awareness campaigns to maximize the number of views.

  • CPC (Cost Per Click) 

Advertisers pay each time users click on their advertising in CPC bidding. The advertiser sets the maximal amount they are willing to pay per click. The ad platform uses an auction to decide which ads will be displayed and in what order. 

  • CPV (Cost Per View)

Advertisers pay each time users watch their video ad in CPV bidding. A view is counted after a user has watched the ad for a specific time, such as 30 seconds.

15. Define ad rotation.

It is a campaign setting in Google AdWords that automatically rotates the Google AdWords ad within the ad group. You can ask Google how it would rotate the ad, such as based on the best-performing ads or rotating evenly.

How to do?

  • Set ad rotation for your campaign
  • Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  • Click All Campaigns in the navigation panel.
  • Click the campaign you’d like to change.
  • Click Settings in the page menu.
  • Click Additional Settings.
  • Choose Ad rotation.
  • Select an ad rotation method: Optimize or Rotate indefinitely.
  • Click Save.

16. What is the Google Ads double-serving policy?

The Google Ads double-serving policy states that advertisers can’t use different accounts to advertise the exact keywords or websites. Google enforces this policy to avoid showing users ads for the same company. Instead, users can view ads by different service providers and then choose.

17. Define automated bidding strategy.

Automated bidding is a primary Google AdWords strategy that automatically sets bids for ads based on how likely an impression will turn into a fruitful click or conversion. It helps businesses maximize the profit of their campaigns. 

Google AdWords automated bidding considers multiple factors, such as the user’s device, location, demographics, time of day, and more. With automated bids, advertisers don’t have to fret about updating the bids of ad groups or keywords. Google AdWords sets a bid for every auction based on the above factors and decides whether the ad should be visible.

18. Name different types of automatic bidding strategies.

The different automatic bidding strategies in AdWords are:

  • Maximize Clicks – automatically adjust bids to get as many likes as per the budget.
  • Target search page location – automatically sets the bid to increase the chances of an ad being displayed at the top of the Google search page or on the first search page.
  • Enhance CPC – automatically adjust bids to maximize conversions.
  • Target Outranking share – the automatic setting of bids to outrank a domain and how often.
  • Target CPA – automatically sets bid to get the maximum conversions per the target CPA.

19. How many characters are accepted in AdWords ads?

  • Headline 1 consists of 30 characters
  • Headline 2 consists of 30 characters
  • Headline 3 consists of 30 characters
  • Description 1 consists of 90 characters
  • Description 2 consists of 90 characters
  • Path (2) consists of 15 characters each

20. Difference between clicks and impressions.

  • Impression is the number of times your targeted audience views your Google AdWords ad, whether a text link, banner, or button. This shows the reach of your advertisement.
  • Click is the number of times the targeted users click on your ad and are taken to your website. This shows how many users used your ad to visit your website.
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21. Explain Phrase Match.

Phrase match is one of four keyword-matching options in Google AdWords. It allows the ad to be visible to the targeted people when they type the exact keywords and close variations of the keyword with additional words before or after the keyword.

For instance, if your keyword is “buy headphones,” your ad will be visible to people who type buy shoes, “buy headphones online,” or “need to buy headphones.” Phrase match is essential because, at times, a broad match or expanded broad match displays your ad to an extensive range of audiences you wouldn’t want to show it to. On the other hand, the exact game narrows the impression to people who type the precise keywords without any variations, prefixes, or suffixes.

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22. What are the types of keywords?

Broadly, there are 5 categories of keywords – 

  • Broad Match – These keywords have a vast audience.
  • Broad modifier – These keywords have a minute narrow reach compared to broad match keywords.
  • Phrase Match – Your Google ad appears to people who hit this exact phrase in a search engine. There can be a blend of other keywords before and after this phrase.
  • Negative Keyword – When advertisers use an entirely different set of keywords.
  • Exact Match – These are the most precise range of keywords.

23. Define Google Ad Express.

This is a simplified version of the Google Ads platform designed for small businesses that want to get started with online advertising but need more time or expertise to manage a complex campaign. Ads Express allows you to set up your campaign with just a few clicks and then leaves the management to Google.

24. Define Google Ad API.

It is a programmatic interface that lets developers interact with Google Ads accounts. With the Google Ads API, developers build custom applications that perform multiple tasks related to Google Ads, such as creating and managing campaigns, keywords, ads, and targeting criteria.

The Google Ads API offers several functionalities, allowing developers to optimize and automate their Google Ads accounts. Some significant API features include retrieving and analyzing performance data, making real-time campaign modifications, and creating and managing reports.

25. Name the different types of access levels in AdWords.

  • Account access level
  • Administrative access level
  • Standard access level
  • Read-only access level
  • Email-only access level

26. Define frequency capping in Google Ads. Where to use them?

A feature in Google Ads, frequency capping lets you limit the number of times your ads are shown to a specific user within a specified period. It can be used in different types of Google Ads campaigns, including video, search, and display. Further, it can also be instrumental in remarketing campaigns, where you want to target people who have earlier interacted with your website or previous ads.

27. How can the landing page quality in Google AdWords be improved?

  • Ensure your landing page is relevant
  • Ensure a good user experience
  • Provide high-quality content
  • Include clear calls-to-action
  • Optimize for keywords

28. Define keyword insertion. Give reasons why keyword insertion might not work.

Keyword insertion enables advertisers to insert the keyword dynamically that triggered their ad into the ad copy. It allows advertisers to create more relevant and personalized ads tailored to users’ search queries.

The different types of Keyword Insertions are: 

  • Title Case – The first letter of all keywords is capitalized. 
  • Sentence Case – The first letter of the first keyword is capitalized only.
  • Lowercase – No letters are capitalized.

The following are some of the reasons why keyword insertion might not be working:

  • The keyword is too long
  • The keyword is not eligible to trigger the ad
  • Misspelled code
  • Ad is disapproved

29. Explain types of billing strategies.

Advertisers must choose the billing strategy that best aligns with their advertising goals and budget. Some of the standard billing strategies are:

  • Pay-per-click (PPC) – With PPC, advertisers are charged every time a user clicks on their ad. This ensures that advertisers only pay when the user is interested in their product/ service.
  • Cost-per-thousand Impressions (CPM) – Under this, advertisers are charged a set rate for every 1000 impressions or views of their ads. Often, CPM is used for display advertising, where advertisers want to enhance their visibility and brand awareness.
  • Cost-per-action (CPA) – Here, advertisers are charged only when a particular action is taken, such as submitting a lead form, making a sale, or downloading a file. CPA is used in affiliate marketing, where advertisers pay a commission to publishers who refer buyers to their websites.
  • Cost-per-view (CPV) This strategy charges advertisers whenever a user views their video ad. CPV is used in video advertising on YouTube platforms, where advertisers aim to increase views and engagement.
  • Flat Rate – Advertisers pay a set amount for a specific advertising placement or period. Flat rate billing is used in sponsorships, where advertisers pay to have their brand featured in a particular event or location.

30. Explain IP address exclusion in Google AdWords.

The IP address exclusion feature in Google AdWords lets advertisers halt their ads from being shown to particular IP addresses. This feature can be used for several reasons, such as to exclude traffic from competitors or countries where a business does not operate, to stop internal traffic from being counted in campaign performance data, or to avoid fraudulent or invalid clicks. 

AdWords permits advertisers to exclude up to 500 IP addresses or IP ranges per campaign. IP address exclusion isn’t a foolproof method to prevent unwanted clicks, as IP addresses can be dynamic and change frequently. However, it is a valuable tool to decrease unwanted clicks and improve campaign performance.

31. What is the use of a Conversion Optimizer?

The Conversion Optimizer tool in AdWords manages bids at the keyword level. It determines which clicks on the ad will be valuable, leading to higher ROI.

32. How to track conversions in Google AdWords?

Conversions are tracked using the basic tracking code provided by AdWords and modified with additional code unique to a particular platform. The view-through conversion window option tracks when a user sees your ad but doesn’t click.

Also, you can access the search funnels inside tools and analysis, where you can see when customers click on an ad for the first time and how frequently they see your ad before being converted.

Also Read: What is Google Ads? Working, Benefits, Types, Use

33. Define Remarketing. What benefits does it offer?

Remarketing helps you connect with people who visited or interacted with your site or mobile app. There are 4 types of remarketing: 

  • Standard Remarketing – Shows an ad to your previous visitors as they browse the display network websites and use display network apps.
  • Dynamic Remarketing – Shows ads to those who visit your website for a particular product or service.
  • Video Remarketing Shows ads to individuals who have interacted with your YouTube channel or videos. 
  • Customer List Remarketing – You can upload contact lists your customers give. When those people are signed into Google, you can show them ads. 

The following are the advantages:

  • Large-scale influence
  • A special purpose list
  • Customers who are most likely to buy

34. State the difference between managed and automatic placements.

Both automatic and managed placements are a part of the Display network. With managed placements, marketers can choose various options to show your Google AdWords ad. These options include specific websites, locations, videos, apps, etc.

For example, if a particular one ranks well for a group of your targeted keywords, you can show your Ads only on those pages.

You don’t get options in automatic placements, and it shows your ads automatically. 

35. Explain Google Click-to-Call.

It helps primarily local businesses that don’t have or need a website. By setting up a Google click-to-call campaign, they can leave a contact number so that users can call by clicking their advertisement on SERP.

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36. Name the different types of access levels in AdWords.

The different types of access levels are:


The invitee won’t be able to log in to Google AdWords but can receive essential emails and schedule emails with reports.


The invitee can log in to AdWords and access the reports, but modifying is impossible.


The invitees can make alterations to the account and can do anything except the ability to give access to other users. They can’t edit or remove other users as well.


The invitee can make necessary changes and add, remove, or edit users and their access.

37. How to measure Google AdWords campaign success?

It depends on the campaign’s aim. In case you are attending a Google AdWords interview on an e-commerce website, success is based on the amount spent compared to the value of purchases made.

If you’re running a B2B campaign, it’s mainly about the number of quality leads you accomplish while maintaining good ROI. Hence, the success of the campaign is based on its purpose.

38. How to increase conversion rates?

The following methods can increase the conversion rate:

  • Creating ads that match the keywords you use
  • Tightly themed ad groups
  • Improve quality score
  • Optimizing landing page
  • Adjusting your keyword type
  • AB your landing page
  • Align ad copies with landing pages
  • Improving CTR of ad
  • Use negative keywords

39. Why is the landing page quality necessary for the campaign’s success?

A landing page is the playground where you make the customer take the final call. If the landing page isn’t relevant or trustworthy, every action you take for the campaign goes in vain. Better ads, high-quality keywords, and your spending money help if the landing page is good enough to get the conversion.

It must be aligned with the keyword and ad copies. An inefficient landing page promises traffic but not conversions.

40. What is an ad group in Google AdWords?

An ad group contains your keywords, advertisements, and landing pages. Google rewards advertisers who prepare Adword campaigns with tightly structured ad groups. Including all your keywords in a single ad group is not advisable, but you should organize them into themes.

41. Why to use Google AdWords?

The traffic generated through Google AdWords is worth more than the millions of other surfers who visit a website. Meanwhile, traffic generated through pay-per-click links is focused on the people who know what they are looking for, making such traffic more valuable.

42. Explain how quality score affects ad position and CPC.

The quality score is directly proportional to the ad position. On the contrary, it is indirectly proportional to the CPC. If the quality score is high, the position will be high, and costs will be low.

43. Is PPC only appropriate for big brands?

No, businesses of varying sizes can utilize the PPC benefits. The most crucial aspect of a PPC campaign is finding relevant and targeted keywords.

44. Explain Invalid clicks. How does Google determine them?

An invalid click is determined to be fake, unintentional, or caused by malware. Google uses sophisticated mechanisms and algorithms to assess invalid clicks from any user account.

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45. Name the 2 most important factors that determine ad position.

The cost per click (CPC) is the most crucial factor determining ad position. The second factor is the click-through rate (CTR).

46. Explain the term impression share metric.

The impression share metric equals impressions divided by the total number of eligible impressions. Several factors estimate impressions, including quality, approval, status, etc. The data is accessible to campaigns, ad groups, and product groups, for instance, and helps you determine if it’s viable to upsurge your budget to reach more people.

47. What does click-through rate (CTR) mean? How is it determined?

Click-through rate is the percentage of searchers who click on your ad after watching it. It is computed by dividing the number of impressions by the number of clicks. 

A website’s CTR is calculated by dividing the total number of visitors who saw an advertisement by the number of people who clicked on it.

48. What does On-Schedular Indicator (OSI) mean?

OSI is the percentage of impressions booked that the campaign expected to deliver. It is a more precise measurement of delivery status for networks set up to pace based on predicted traffic. However, before adjusting a line item’s delivery schedule, the schedule’s forecast must be consulted.

49. What do you mean by search term report in Google AdWords?

The search term report is essential for optimizing and refining Google AdWords campaigns. It shows advertisers the search terms that triggered their ads to appear, providing helpful insights into the performance of an advertiser’s keywords, targeting, and ad copy.

50. What are the vital KPIs for success measurement?

Remarketing comprises its own set of KPIs to monitor. eCPM, cost per click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), and return on investment (ROI) are a few examples (ROI). Determine your aim and the KPIs that best reflect it before you begin your project.

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51. What is the character limit used in a PPC Ad?

A standard ad has 25 characters in the headline and 70 characters in the descriptions. An expanded text ad has 30 characters in the first and second headlines. The description of an expanded text ad contains 80 characters.

52. Define Converted Click.

Converted clicks have clicked, which results in conversions. Google AdWords no longer track them.

53. Define ROAS. What is the formula to calculate Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)?

ROAS stands for Return on Ad Spend. It is a marketing metric that calculates the revenue for each amount a business spends on advertising. ROAS is an indicator of how well an ad performs.

ROAS is calculated by sales/spend.

54. Broad match with negative words or exact match keywords, which one is better?

A broad match with negative keywords benefits more than an exact match keyword alone. It attracts more traffic to your site, and you can also create keyword lists quickly. 

55. How will you intend to manage the Google quality score?

Keywords, ad copy, and landing page relevance affect Google’s quality score. Smaller, more precise ad groups and fewer keywords help you maintain the highest possible score. 

56. What is the effect of Ad Rank on CPC?

The minimum required to keep your ad in the top spot is the highest CPC you spend. Above-the-fold advertising in the Search Network has a higher cost-per-click than below-the-fold advertising.

57. Name types of access levels in AdWords.

  • Account access level
  • Administrative access level
  • Standard access level
  • Read-only access level
  • Email-only access level

58. Name the targeting options in search network Ads.

  • Keywords Targeting
  • Location targeting
  • Language targeting
  • Device targeting
  • Demographic targeting
  • Ad scheduling

59. Name the types of automatic bidding strategies.

  • Target CPA (Cost per Acquisition)
  • Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
  • Maximize Conversions
  • Enhanced CPC (Cost per Click)
  • Target Impression Share

60. Name the targeting options in-display Ads.

  • Audience targeting
  • Contextual targeting
  • Location targeting
  • Placement targeting
  • Demographic targeting
  • Remarketing targeting

61. How can you boost your ad position in Google AdWords?

  • Increase your bid
  • Improve your ad relevance
  • Increase your Quality Score
  • Improve your ad extensions
  • Refine your targeting

62. Name the various sizes of display Ads.

  • Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)
  • Leaderboard (728 x 90)
  • Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600)
  • Large Rectangle (336 x 280)
  • Half-Page (300 x 600)
  • Billboard (970 x 250)
  • Mobile banner (320 x 50)
  • Square (250 x 250)

63. Differentiate between Google AdWords and Google Analytics.

Google AdWordsGoogle Analytics
Tracks click even when the same person clicks the ad multiple timesTracks visits, but the same person’s views of an ad are recorded as one visit. 
When a visitor clicks on an ad but hits the stop button, Google Adwords still counts it as a click.In the same scenario, Google Analytics will not count it as a visit. 

64. Mention the pros and cons of bidding on competitor brand names. When you should avoid doing that?

Some advantages are:

  • It can increase brand awareness.
  • It is cheaper and less competitive

Some disadvantages are:

  • It can lead to low CTR
  • Bidding can become more expensive for both brands 

Below are scenarios when bidding on a competitor brand name is not preferable:

  • Bidding on the wrong competitor
  • Bidding on mobile

Also Read: What is PPC Advertising? Pay-Per-Click in Digital Marketing

65. Mention the benefits of dynamic search ads.

Dynamic Search Ads are necessary for online businesses with massive inventories, considering their website content is optimized. Some of the major advantages of such ads are:

  • They can help create additional traffic even when a business is unaware of a particular keyword. 
  • An advertiser does not have to spend time mapping keywords to each keyword on the website, saving ample time. 
  • With Dynamic Search ads, it is easier to avoid ads about products that are out-of-stock.

66. In display campaigns, how can one target a particular placements or websites?

  • Open the Google Ads account and log in.
  • Go to your display campaign’s Settings menu. Select the Placements tab.
  • Click on the blue “+” icon to include extra locations.
  • Enter the application URL or website where you want to present your advertising in the search bar.
  • Select the location you want from the search results. Click Save.

67. Define price extensions and affiliate location extensions.

Price extensions are a new format displaying the relevant products’ prices.

Location extensions are useful for brands to display the retail store names where the product is available offline.

68. Differentiate between keywords and search terms.

Keywords are the phrases or words that advertisers bid on in Google Ads to target specific user queries. They determine when and where an ad will be displayed in search results. Search terms, on the other hand, are the actual words or phrases that users type into the search engine when looking for information, products, or services. In short, advertisers use keywords to target ads, while search terms represent the users’ queries.

69. Differentiate between standard and accelerated delivery methods in Google Ads.

Standard and accelerated delivery methods determine how quickly your ads are shown throughout the day.

  • Standard ads are shown evenly throughout the day to avoid budget depletion early. They are used for campaigns with a limited budget.
  • Accelerated ads are shown as quickly as possible until the budget is depleted. They are used for campaigns with no budget constraints and time-sensitive promotions.

70. Define PLA.

PLA stands for Product Listing Ads (PLA). This is also an ad strategy used to advertise product ads on Google search and other Google partners. This campaign, also known as the shopping campaign, is mostly used by E-commerce websites, organically and PPC separately.

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Semrush CourseVideo Editing Course
Blogging CourseEmail Marketing Course
Shopify CoursePhotoshop Course


The Google Ads and PPC interview process can be overwhelming and intimidating; however, with the proper preparation and knowledge, it can also be an enriching experience. Understanding the different types of campaigns available and how to answer questions best will enable you to stand out from other applicants and make a great impression on your interviewer. 

These Google Ads and PPC interview questions and answers will help you gain confidence in your ability to adequately demonstrate your knowledge of the platform’s capabilities. Get Google Ads certified to grow your knowledge and professional value with a flexible and on-demand Google Ads course.