8 Types of Google Ads in 2024 (Google Ads Campaign Types)

8 Types of Google Ads in 2024 (Full Details)

We all have a favorite type of something. It can be a particular cuisine, a genre of music, or anything in between, and we know what works best for us. How do we know our tastes, likes, or dislikes? By trying new things, of course!

However, some things are better sampled than others. Sampling each type of Google ad, for example, would not be the best use of your budget.

That’s why we have broken down every type of Google ad so you can know which are best for your business to try.

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About Google Ads

Google Ads is a PPC (pay-per-click) advertising platform where advertisers pay per click on an ad. It is a potent way to drive qualified traffic, or good-fit customers, to the business because they search for products and services like yours. An online digital marketing course can help you become a master in this field.

Using Google Ads, you can revamp your website traffic, receive more inquiries, and upsurge in-store visits. Over time, Google Ads has also helped analyze and optimize those advertisements to reach many people.

Types of Google Ads 

types of Google ads

Selecting the right Google Ads campaign type to reach your target audience helps you meet your marketing goals. Google offers several options for businesses to promote their products and services. 

Here are the 8 Google Ads campaign types:

1. Search Ads

Google Search Campaigns are text ads displayed in response to search queries. They are also known as search engine marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click (PPC) ads and appear at the top of Google SERPs (search engine results pages). They are a popular choice for many businesses. To get started, decide on a list of relevant keywords and set a budget for your ad spend. Through Search Ads, you only pay when someone clicks your ad.

Best Practices

  • Choose the Right Keywords: This is the most crucial step in creating effective Search Ads. Your keywords should be relevant to your business and products or services. Consider each keyword’s search volume and competition. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner tool to research keywords. You can also learn to research keywords with an online SEO course.
  • Use Relevant Ad Copy: Your ad copy should be persuasive, concise, and relevant to your target keywords. Include a call to action in your ad copy, such as Learn more.
  • Set Budget and Track Results: It’s essential to set a budget for your Search Ads campaigns and track the results to see what’s working and what’s not. Google Ads provides various reports to track your performance.
  • Use Ad Extensions: Ad extensions let you add extra details to your ads, such as your phone number, address, and website links. They make your ads more informative and engaging, leading to more clicks and conversions.
  • Test and Optimize Campaigns: It is essential to test several keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to see what works best for your business. You should also monitor your results and adjust your campaigns as needed.
  • Optimize Landing Page: Ensure your Google Ads landing page is compelling, as it’s your primary chance to boost conversions. Whether you aim for increased sales or more leads, high-quality, relevant landing pages are vital to optimizing conversion rates while reducing costs.


Throughout Google Search results

Best For

Promoting webpages related to targeted keywords

Key Features

  • Cost-efficient
  • Text-based
  • Highly targeted using real-time search queries

Steps to create a Google Search ads campaign

  1. Select a campaign goal, a conversion action, and how you would like to reach your goal (website visits, phone calls, or form submissions). 
  2. Set your bidding focus, like conversions, conversion value, or clicks. 
  3. Set up campaign settings, including which networks to display (search and/or display, locations, languages, and audience segments). 
  4. Enter keywords to target or select them from auto-generated suggestions. 
  5. Enter ad features like a URL path, headlines, descriptions, business names, logos, and callouts. 
  6. Set an average daily budget.

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2. Performance Max Ads

Performance Max campaigns drive results across Google Ads and the Display Network using automation powered by machine learning. They are suitable for maximizing conversion value and achieving a high return on investment (ROI). You set a budget, and Google Ads will automatically optimize your ad spending to maximize your selected performance metrics, such as sales, leads, or impressions.

Best practices

  • Set Clear Goals and Objectives: What do you want to achieve with your PMax campaign? Do you want to drive sales, leads, or website traffic? Once you know your goals, you can optimize your campaign accordingly.
  • Use all Available Asset Types: PMax campaigns use various assets, including images, videos, and text. The more asset types you provide, the more creative combinations Google Ads has to work with, which can lead to better performance.
  • Provide Relevant Audience Signals: PMax campaigns use machine learning to match your ads to the right people. You can help this process by providing appropriate audience signals, such as remarketing lists, customer lists, and interests.


Google advertising channels

Best For 

Creating channel-agnostic ads automatically optimized for audiences across all Google advertising surfaces

Key Features

  • Uses machine learning and AI to optimize ads automatically
  • Automatically displays ads on all Google advertising channels
  • Can identify new market segments based on goals and real user behavior

How to create a Google Performance Max ads campaign?

  1. Select a campaign objective and conversion action.
  2. Designate a bidding plan, optional cost per bidding action, and preference for bidding only on new customers or on both new and existing customers.
  3. Toggle general campaign settings like location, languages, and whether to allow Google to create assets automatically.
  4. Include assets like target URLs, images, logos, videos, long headlines, and descriptions.
  5. Designate an average daily budget.

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3. Display Ads

These are visual ads, including banner ads, appearing on millions of partner websites, blogs, and apps on the Google Display Network. They are ideal for increasing brand exposure and visibility. You, too, can target precise audiences based on their interests and past behavior. 

Payment is based on impressions, clicks, or conversion. These are often called native ads because they seamlessly blend into the websites they are placed on, creating a more natural and less disruptive appearance.

 Best Practices

  • Eye-catching Visuals: Use top-grade images and graphics to create visually appealing ads that grab the audience’s attention.
  • Clear and Concise Messaging: Craft concise and compelling ad copy that conveys your message, benefits, and call to action.
  • Targeted Audience Segmentation: Utilize audience targeting to reach specific demographics, interests, and behavior, ensuring your ads are shown to the right people.
  • Responsive and Adaptive Design: Create ads that adapt to various display formats and sizes, making them look great on desktops, mobile devices, and websites.
  • Ongoing Optimization: Regularly analyze your campaign performance, make data-driven adjustments, and experiment with different creatives and targeting options to improve results over time.


On millions of webpages, apps, and Google properties in the Display network

Best For

Building awareness of new markets across content formats

Key Features

  • Visually oriented
  • Covers 35 million+ apps and websites plus Google properties
  • Follows users across advertising surfaces based on behavior

Steps to create a Google Display ads campaign

  1. Select a goal for your campaign and a conversion action.
  2. Set basic campaign details, like locations, languages, and display schedule.
  3. Set an average daily budget and bidding preferences like bid focus and target cost per conversion action.
  4. Stick with automatically optimized targeting or specify ad targeting parameters like audience segment, topics, and keywords.
  5. To create the ad, enter assets and details like the business name, images, logos, videos, headlines, and descriptions.

4. Shopping Ads

When people search for products on Google, your Shopping Campaign appears as ads at the top of the search results page. If customers click on your ad, they will be directed to the website, where they can learn more about your product and make a purchase.

For eCommerce businesses, Google Shopping Ads, formerly known as Product Listing Ads (PLAs), are an excellent option. They showcase your products in Google search results, on Google Images, and across the Google Display Network. With a Shopping campaign, you only pay when someone clicks your ad. You can get the best results by providing detailed product data like images, price, brand, and item type. 

You must create a product feed in the Google Merchant Centre to get started. This feed will include all the information about your products, such as their titles, descriptions, images, and prices. Once you create your product feed, you can link it to the Google Ads account and create Shopping campaigns.

Best Practices

  • High-quality Product Images: Use clear and attractive images to entice potential customers.
  • Detailed Product Information: Provide accurate and comprehensive product details, including price, size, color, and availability.
  • Structured Product Feed: Organize your product feed with a consistent and organized structure to enhance ad relevance.
  • Negative Keywords: Carefully select negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic and focus on high-converting users.
  • Regular Monitoring and Optimization: Monitor your ad performance, make data-driven adjustments, and optimize your campaigns to maximize ROI.


Google Shopping, SERP, Images, Maps, and search partner results

Best For

Selling physical products included in Google Merchant Center

Key Features

  • Includes product images
  • Auto-populates using Merchant Center data
  • Appears across Google properties and search partner search results

Steps to create a Google Shopping ads campaign

  1. Select an objective and conversion goal, and then connect your Merchant Center account or select a previously connected one. If there are specific feeds you want to target, select those as well.
  2. Pick your campaign preferences like inventory filter, localization, budget, networks, and bidding type.
  3. Name your ad groups and set daily bidding limits for each group of ads. The limits are automatically generated based on your Merchant profile.

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5. Video Ads

Google Video and Display campaigns work similarly, allowing you to target specific audiences and locations within the vast Google Ads Network. However, video ads have the advantage of conveying complex brand messages, making them ideal when you need more creative space to showcase your offerings.

Not all products or services can be adequately conveyed through a single image. This is where the power of Google Video ad campaigns comes in. Additionally, video campaigns are a great way to increase brand awareness, as marketers can tap into large viewing audiences through global platforms like YouTube.

There are six main types of Google video ads:

  1. Skippable in-stream Ads: These are the most common type of video ad. They play before, during, or after other videos on YouTube and other websites. The audience can skip these ads after 5 seconds.
  2. Non-skippable in-stream Ads: These ads cannot be skipped and must be watched fully before the viewer can continue watching the video they were trying to watch. They are shorter than skippable in-stream ads and are usually only used for important messages or announcements.
  3. In-feed video Ads: These appear in the results feed on YouTube and other websites. They look like regular videos but have a small ad label indicating they are sponsored. In-feed video ads can be played with the sound on or off, and viewers can click on them to watch the entire ad.
  4. Bumper Ads: These short, non-skippable video ads, typically 6 seconds long, often create brand awareness or promote new products or services.
  5. Outstream Ads: These appear on websites and apps outside of YouTube. They can be in various formats, including banners, interstitials, and native ads. Outstream ads are typically shorter than other video ads and are often interactive.
  6. Masthead Ads: Large video ads appear at the top of the YouTube homepage. Masthead ads are typically reserved for major brands and advertisers.

Which type of Google video ad is best depends on your advertising goals and budget. If you want to reach a large audience and generate awareness for your brand, then skippable in-stream ads are a good option. If you have a specific message that you want to deliver to your target audience, then non-skippable in-stream ads or bumper ads may be a better choice. And if you are looking to drive traffic to your website or landing page, then in-feed video ads or out-stream ads may be the best option for you.

Best Practices 

  • Compelling Storytelling: Craft engaging and memorable narratives in your video ads to capture viewers’ attention and convey your message effectively.
  • Clear Call to Action: Include a clear and concise call to action to guide viewers on the next steps, whether it’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or subscribing.
  • Targeted Audiences: Use audience targeting options to reach suitable viewers based on demographics, interests, and online behavior, ensuring your content is relevant.
  • Mobile Optimization: Optimize your video ads for mobile devices, as many users watch videos on smartphones and tablets. Ensure they load quickly and look great on smaller screens.
  • A/B Testing: Continuously test different video ad variations, such as visuals, messages, and targeting, to find what resonates most with your audience and refine your campaign for better results.


Before, during, and after videos on YouTube, in YouTube search feeds, on the YouTube home feed, and across the Google video partners network

Best For

Promoting video content or reaching highly engaged users with dynamic video ads

Key Features

  • Can be used to promote products via video or to promote existing videos
  • Available in several formats that play before, during, and after YouTube videos
  • Can also be displayed across third-party apps, games, and websites

Steps to create a Google Video ads campaign

  1. Select general settings like location, languages, bid strategy, and display networks. 
  2. Select ad groups, audiences, and advanced settings like optimized targeting and keywords.
  3. Search for an existing YouTube video or upload a new one.
  4. Enter ad details like a call to action, headline, long headline, description, and target URL.

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6. App Ads

Google App Campaigns was formerly known as Universal App Campaigns. By and large, they are a powerful way to promote mobile apps across Google’s vast network of platforms, including Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, and the Google Display Network. Therefore, these campaigns are designed to streamline the app promotion process and reach a wider audience. 

Best Practices

  • Set Clear Goals: Define your campaign objectives, whether driving installations, increasing in-app actions, or achieving a specific ROI. Setting clear goals will guide your campaign optimization.
  • Leverage Automation: Google App Campaigns use machine learning to optimize ad placements, targeting, and bidding automatically. So, allow the system to learn and adjust for the best results.
  • Diverse Creative Assets: Provide a range of ad creatives, including images, videos, and text, to enable the campaign to experiment and find the most effective combinations.
  • Regular Monitoring and Adjustments: Continuously monitor the campaign’s performance and adjust based on data insights. This may include changing budgets, targeting, or creating elements. 
  • Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking to measure the app’s performance and understand which parts of your campaign drive desired actions. Consequently, this data is invaluable for fine-tuning your campaign for success.


Play Store search results, Play Store suggestions, Google SERP, YouTube feeds, Google Discover, and across the Google search partner network

Best For

Promoting an existing app or a forthcoming app (Android only)

Key Features

  • Can be used to target new users and current users
  • Displays across a wide range of advertising surfaces
  • Campaigns target installs, engagement, or pre-registration (Android only)

Steps to create a Google App ads campaign

  1. Search for the app you want to advertise, then select one of three campaign subtypes: app installs, app engagement, or app pre-registration (Android only), along with preference for the iOS or Android mobile platform.
  2. Select general campaign settings, including display locations, languages, and date ranges.
  3. Set an average daily budget and overall bidding strategy.
  4. Designate

7. Smart Ads

Google Smart Campaigns are a user-friendly, automated advertising solution for small businesses. They streamline the advertising process using Google’s machine learning to optimize campaigns. Smart campaigns work by simplifying the ad creation process, targeting the right audience, and maximizing ROI. These campaigns utilize data such as location, search queries, and user behavior to display ads on Google Search, Google Display Network, and Google Maps.

Best Practices

  • Clear Business Goals: Define specific campaign goals, whether driving website visits, phone calls, or in-store visits, to align your campaign with your business objectives.
  • High-quality Imagery: Use compelling images that accurately represent your business, products, or services to make a strong visual impact.
  • Ad extension Utilization: Use ad extensions like callouts and location extensions to give extra information and encourage users to take action.
  • Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking to measure results and understand which aspects of your campaign are driving desired outcomes.
  • Regular Monitoring and Adjustments: Furthermore, continuously analyze performance data and adjust your campaign, including budgets, keywords, and targeting, to ensure optimal results. 


Google SERP, Maps, YouTube, Gmail, and search partner sites

Best For

Executing goal-centric campaigns that prioritize outcomes rather than advertising channels

Key Features

  • Acts as centralized hubs for cross-channel advertising
  • Prioritizes campaign-wide goals over channel-specific ads
  • Targets keyword themes rather than specific keywords

Steps to create a Google Smart ads campaign

  1. Input your domain, and connect any related Google accounts.
  2. Choose your campaign goals for generating leads, visits, views, etc.
  3. Review auto-generated headlines and descriptions and adjust them to your liking.
  4. Select related keyword themes.
  5. Select the regions where you want your ad to appear.
  6. Set a daily budget.
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8. Discovery Ads

Google Discovery Ads promote your business in Google’s Discover feed and on partner sites. They reach people when they are exploring new topics and content. Discovery Ads are an excellent option for raising brand awareness and driving traffic to your site. You pay based on impressions and clicks.

Best Practices

  • Use Superior Images and Videos: Your images and videos must be visually appealing and relevant to your target audience. Make sure your images are high-resolution and your videos are well-produced.
  • Write Clear and Concise Ad Copy: Your ad copy must be concise and persuasive. It must highlight the benefits of your product or service and include a call to action.
  • Use Ad Extensions: Ad extensions can provide additional information about your business and offer users more ways to interact with your ads.
  • Use Responsive Display Ads: Responsive display ads automatically adjust their format and size to fit the available space on any device or screen size. This helps ensure your ads are always displayed in the best possible light.


Google Discover feed, YouTube homepage and Watch Next feeds, and Gmail Promotion and Social tabs

Best For

Targeting purchase-ready users with visually oriented automated ads

Key Features

  • Uses AI and machine learning to tailor ads across surfaces automatically
  • Appears on Discover, YouTube, and Gmail
  • Includes multiple images

Steps to create a Google Discovery ad campaign

  1. Set general campaign parameters like region, language, bidding type, and budget.
  2. Create audience segments to target.
  3. Upload images and logos, then add headlines (up to five), descriptions (up to five), a landing page URL, and a call to action.

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FAQs on Types of Google Ads

1. What are the 3 Google Ads levels?

Google Ads are divided into accounts, campaigns, and ad groups. These 3 levels help advertisers monitor performance at the keyword level (ad group), the goal level (campaign), and the all-inclusive level (account).

2. What type of advertising is Google AdWords?

Google AdWords is now Google Ads. In the day, advertisers used Google AdWords to create PPC ads that would appear in the search results. Still, Google Ads now encompasses campaigns that span all Google properties and partner networks, from videos to local searches to third-party websites.

3. What are the 8 types of Google Ads?

The 8 types of Google Ads are Search, Display, Shopping, Video, App, Discovery, Performance Max, and Smart ads.

4. What are the 4 Google Ads networks?

Text ads, Dynamic search ads, responsive search ads, and call-only ads are the predominant ad formats on the Search Network. These advertisements are typically labeled with “Ad” or “Ads” on the search results page. They may carry an “Ads by Google” label when displayed on partner sites. Also, they frequently include ad assets, enabling advertisers to incorporate business details such as location or phone number.

5. Which type of Google Ads is the best?

There’s no single best Google Ads type for all businesses. The best type depends on your specific advertising goals and target audience. Various types of Google Ads have pros and cons, making it critical to review each’s strengths and weaknesses and select the type that best aligns with your business objectives.


Google Ads are a great way to attract potential customers, but knowing which ads will work best for your business is essential. These 8 types of Google Ads offer various advertising options for businesses of all sizes and industries. By choosing the right type of ad and targeting the right audience, companies can increase their online visibility, generate leads, and drive sales.

If you are still trying to figure out where to start, try experimenting with different types of Google ads and see which ones generate the best results. Finding the appropriate mix of ads that works for your business may take some time, but seeing those increased profits is worth it!